by Char
(Edmonton, AB )
Im having troubles knowing what kind Simba is... I'm guessing traditional?
I Have a 2 year old Siamese, When I bought him the lady I bought him from said he was a blue-point siamese. When he was a kitten he was very light and creamy colored, now as an adult he is alot darker and very long. I googled to see what a blue-point looks like and I really don't think he's blue-point, if anything he's a seal-point? I'm not sure.
Also... I didn't even know there were different types.. like traditional to mordern to classic. Now seeing these pictures though, he looks traditional. He's very loving, only to me, doesn't like getting picked up by anyone else or he will do a weird meow like he's mad. He talks ALOT! But I think it's so cute. He's very loyal Best Cat I've had yet... Here are a couple pictures of "Simba"
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