My unique simese cat

I have a very Unique simese cat named Ozzy. Ozzy is a very sneaky cat and he loves to eat human food.

One night we were upstairs and Ozzy was downstairs, we had just finished dining and we had leftover chinken wings, so we put them in a ziplock bag and we left it on the counter, then we went upstairs and watched some tv. Ozzy was downstairs and saw the chiken in the ziplock bag on the counter, so he jumped up and tryed to get into the chicken bag. My mom came into the room so Ozzy grabbed the bag of chicken wings and ran upstairs and hid under the bed and my mom went upstairs and says, "Have you seen Ozzy" and I said "Yeah he's under the bed making lots of noise". So my mom looked under the bed, and bam there he was under the bed eating a chicken wing.

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Nov 14, 2017
so cute NEW
by: Anonymous

that is soon sneaky of him and so cool was your mom mad laughing or OK with it did he eat all the chicken wings or just one this was a great story and i hope you write another.

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