I'm Not Sure what type of Siamese my Capri is

by Andy
(Medford, NY)



Hi...I adopted a rescue kitten last month and was told she was a siamese mix...I'm curious which type of siamese she leans towards...my vet says she is part Platium Point but I hadn;t heard of that type of breed.


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Aug 26, 2018
blue point tabby siamese NEW
by: Anonymous

She is a blue point tabby siamese.

Feb 09, 2017
beautiful NEW
by: Anonymous

by any other color name blue lynx point beautiful

Jun 02, 2016
Snow Tiger Siamese NEW
by: Roslyn

She is a Snow Tiger Siamese and they are rare. I have one myself and it is a boy. They are a beautiful cat. One without papers sold for $800 in Texas recently.

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